Interns vs. Zombies

I was an intern at PopCap during the first semester of Freshman year in Grossmont High School. I was making a game called Interns vs. Zombies. It was cancelled due to the fact that it gave 10/10 spooks. Its assets were used in Plants vs. Zombies 2.
The game played like Plants vs. Zombies, but had a scary DRM. The first thing you might notice is that the zombies look even scarier than normal, with hyper-realistic eyes. The eyes showed blood. Really realistic blood that came from stock. Blood that didn't fit into the style of the game.
Another thing I noticed was that the interns lose their heads. In addition, the game displayed suicidal messages to those who played pirated versions. Some versions even showed the pubic hair of the interns turning evil and biting and killing the interns. That was cut out of later versions, due to the fact that it wasn't safe for kids or teenagers to see.

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